Art Deco Woman

Art Deco Woman Engraving by Laszlo Barta Erotic Nude Portrait Etching Breasts

Art Deco Woman Engraving by Laszlo Barta Erotic Nude Portrait Etching Breasts
Art Deco Woman Engraving by Laszlo Barta Erotic Nude Portrait Etching Breasts
Art Deco Woman Engraving by Laszlo Barta Erotic Nude Portrait Etching Breasts
Art Deco Woman Engraving by Laszlo Barta Erotic Nude Portrait Etching Breasts
Art Deco Woman Engraving by Laszlo Barta Erotic Nude Portrait Etching Breasts
Art Deco Woman Engraving by Laszlo Barta Erotic Nude Portrait Etching Breasts
Art Deco Woman Engraving by Laszlo Barta Erotic Nude Portrait Etching Breasts

Art Deco Woman Engraving by Laszlo Barta Erotic Nude Portrait Etching Breasts   Art Deco Woman Engraving by Laszlo Barta Erotic Nude Portrait Etching Breasts

Art Deco Engraving Woman Laszlo Barta Erotic Nude Portrait Etching Bust. Laszlo Barta was a Hungarian painter who studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest from 1926 to 1933.

He traveled to Paris in the 1920s, joining Fauvist painters such as Matisse, Dufy, Gleizes, among others, with whom he formed friendships. Moving from a Fauvist Expressionist style to Cubism and eventually embracing Abstraction towards the end of his short life. He even studied mosaic in Ravenna. He showed bravery and resistance in Corsica during World War II. After marrying a woman from Toulon, they settled in Saint Tropez, where this large painting was created. Their home became an important artistic meeting place. The New York gallery of Julien LEVY permanently exhibited this artist's works alongside Braque, Picasso, etc.
Art Deco Woman Engraving by Laszlo Barta Erotic Nude Portrait Etching Breasts   Art Deco Woman Engraving by Laszlo Barta Erotic Nude Portrait Etching Breasts